DIY Projects

ZuluSCSI SD-Card Drive

I first operated my Roland S760 only with it's internal floppy disk. Not very conveniant and even if you are dealing with huge samples you need a lot of floppy disks. The consequence was that I looked for a proper way to use the SCSI port. I started with a 100MB SCSI IOMega ZIP Drive that I could borrow from a friend. That was a great advantage ... but in 2024 there are other possibilities like the fantastic ZuluSCSI drive.


This device is a small SCSI emulator that stores it's data on a SD-card. It is available in some versions for internal and external use and the external one seems to be perfect for the S760. It is able to emulate up to 7 SCSI devices at once and that gives you plenty of space for livelong-sampling.


I'm located in the European Union, so my source for buying a ZuluSCSI Emulator is Studio Services in Germany.

I prepared the SD-Card for 7 equal Harddisks, each with the maximum possible capacity of 600MByte that could operated by the S760.


- I formatted the SD-Card with my Windows-Notebook with the exFAT Filesystem

- Then I created a file of 610MByte filesize from the Cmd-line as a container that is used from ZuluSCSI. If

  your SD card is available as drive I, the command looks like : fsutil file createnew  I:\HD0.hda 639631360

- The name HD0.hda is a fixed name, and tell ZuluSCSI that it should emulate a hard-drive with SCSI ID 0.

- I insert the SD-card into the ZuluSCSI slot and boot the S760.

- From the S760 menue I choose DISK, switch to HD0 and call the FORMAT command.

- I save the S760 System on the new formatted HD, so that it is bootable.

- Now I could copy these prepared container for HD0 under the Windows OS and rename it to HD1 to HD6.hda.

- If ZuluSCSI found this during power up, it emulates 7 drives 600MB each, available from ID0 to ID6

  ... pretty cool result and a reliable, energy saving, alternative ;o)


The Emulator works without further tweaking of the configuration file. During the bootup process the Emulator creates a commented configuration file in the root of the SD card. A lot of refinements can be realized through the configuration changes but in my case that wasn't necessary !